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Inverse analysis of medical datas

This WP will be helmed by NTNU. WP6 will be built on top of: previously established and tested inverse solver (WP 4) measurement data (WP5)

Running the inverse solvers with the in-vivo obtained experimental data, will produce the desired material properties of the wall.

Uncertainty Quantification will be applied to results and compared with average arteries wall measurements based on pulse wave velocity. The outcome of the package will be an optimized inverse solver able to retrieve the Young moduli resulting from the inverse analysis applied to in-vivo measurements.

Final outcome – local stiffness verification

Running the inverse solver (WP4) and measurements (WP5) to produce the stiffness parameters will be stepping stones for finalization of WP6 where we will test parameters with:

  • uncertainty quantification
  • comparison with average stiffness measurements based on PWV


Optimized inverse solver able to retrieve the Young moduli resulting from the inverse analysis applied to in-vivo measurements.

News regarding Work Package 6

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Contact regarding WP6

Coordinator of the workpackage

leif rune hellevik

Leif Rune Hellevik

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